Everything you need to know about the annual cooling tower information return (ITRE)

If you own a cooling tower (ITRE), don’t forget that you have certain obligations under Section VII: Provisions for the maintenance of a water-cooled cooling tower installation of the Building chapter of the Safety Code (CBCS). Since January 2018, the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ), has been mailing you an information transmission form that […]

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Asbestos in Quebec’s road network

Since the tabling of the 2022-2025 action plan on asbestos and asbestos residues in Quebec, particular attention has been paid to the use of asbestos fibers in asphalt mixtures using recycled bitumen aggregates (RBA).

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Asbestos in Quebec’s road network

Since the tabling of the 2022-2025 action plan on asbestos and asbestos residues in Quebec, particular attention has been paid to the use of asbestos fibers in asphalt mixtures using recycled bitumen aggregates (RBA). As the use of asbestos began to decline sharply between 1970 and 1990, and Quebec found itself with piles of chrysotile […]

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Asbestos in Quebec’s road network

Asbestos in Quebec’s road network

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The Grand Rendez-vous santé et sécurité du travail

Lab’eau-air-sol will be present at the Grand Rendez-vous santé et sécurité du travail on November 7 and 8 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal. The event is totally free, so come and visit us!

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Opening of a new branch in Quebec City!

To better serve our customers, we recently opened a new Lab eau-air-sol branch in Quebec City. We offer all the same services as our Joliette branch. Visit us at 840 Raoul-Jobin Street, Suite 350, Quebec City

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Lab’Eau-Air-Sol at the Grand Rendez-Vous Santé et Sécurité du Travail

At the Grand Salon santé et sécurité du travail to be held on November 15 and 16 at the Palais des congrès de Montréal, our experts will be on hand to inform people about our various occupational health and safety services. Come and meet us! To find out more about our services, click here.

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Corrective measures following the detection of legionella in a cooling tower

Here is an extract from the article published in Climapresse (CETAF). To read the full article, click here. To comply with the provisions of the regulation on water-cooled cooling tower installations, the owners of Quebec’s 1,700 or so cooling towers have had to meet several requirements concerning their facilities since 2014(Decree 454-2014). These new provisions […]

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Flooding: beware of renovation fraud

While the Quebec government plans to pay out $400,000 a day to help flood victims, the Association des microbiologistes du Québec fears that some of this money will go to unscrupulous contractors who make false mold and fungus diagnoses to bilk their customers out of thousands of dollars. Without even carrying out the laboratory tests […]

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Manitoba Potato Production Days 2017

At Manitoba Potato Production Days 2017, LAB’EAU-AIR-SOL was represented by Ms Sonia Desjardins, Director of Research and Development for the AIR program. Her mission was to inform our neighbors to the west about our agricultural fungal disease detection program. During her visit to the showroom, Ms. Desjardins had the opportunity to record a video describing […]

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