Asbestos register

Do you want to ensure the health and physical integrity of your workers and meet CNESST requirements regarding asbestos in your buildings ? LAB’EAU-AIR-SOL offers to carry out a complete inspection of your building, to locate all traces of asbestos in your building and to carry out a complete characterization of your buildings having materials likely to contain asbestos (MSCA). With a complete MSCA register, you’ll be sure to have the documents you need to comply with the CNESST, and you’ll have all the information you need to reduce workers’ exposure to asbestos dust.

In what situations can Lab’EauAirSol help you with an asbestos register in your building?

  • You want a price estimate for the complete characterization and creation of an asbestos register for your building.
  • You want to set up an asbestos register to protect workers carrying out work in your building.
  • You want to know the exact location of all asbestos-containing materials in your building
  • You need a recognized laboratory in Quebec to analyze your materials and create your safe asbestos management register, quickly and accurately, performed by qualified experts in accordance with applicable standards.

The regulation amending the Quebec Construction Safety Code and the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety stipulates that all flock insulation installed before February 15, 1990, and all lagging installed before May 20, 1999, must be tested for the presence of asbestos, and the results recorded in a register. These materials are known to contain very high concentrations of asbestos fibers, which can be released into the air when handled or when in poor condition.

For other materials likely to contain asbestos (MSCA), their characterization is mandatory prior to any work likely to emit dust. Information on these materials must also be included in the register.

Regulatory compliance of analysis reports

In Quebec, certain provisions of the RROHS (Article 62 and Section IX.I) and the Safety Code for the Construction Industry (CSTC, Section 3.23) apply. apply when the concentration of asbestos in materials or products is at least 0.1%.1 Tobe valid in Québec, materials must be analyzed by a laboratory recognized by the Centre d’expertise en analyses environnementales du Québec (CEAEQ), using IRSST method 244 or equivalent2.

With LAB’EAU-AIR-SOL, your samples are analyzed in our laboratories in Quebec, with no intermediaries. This ensures that your report complies with current standards.

Sources :

  1. Programme CQ vrac, Institut Robert-Sauvé de Santé Sécurité au travail, consulted online on November 22, 2016