Lab’eau-air-sol offers efficient, professional services for all your environmental analysis needs. Whether for prevention or when a problem arises, we can suggest solutions to help you maintain a healthy home environment.
Good air quality and a safe working environment promote employee productivity. Lab’eau-air-sol offers solutions for assessing and managing all the factors impacting your working environment, and provides precise measurements of the parameters affecting your company’s air quality.
Detect the appearance of molds, fungi and diseases in your crops before the effects are visible and damage is too far advanced, using the spore identification method. To maximize your time and money, and reduce your impact on the environment, we now offer plant pathology monitoring and prevention services.
Legionella detection: What’s the difference between drinking water and process water?
Legionellosis, a serious lung infection caused by bacteria of the Legionella genus, represents a major public health issue. The infection is contracted through exposure to the bacteria, usually via airborne aerosols. Water-cooled cooling towers (WCTs), often used in commercial and industrial buildings, are particularly conducive to the proliferation of this bacterium, producing large quantities of aerosols. In Quebec, regulations on the prevention and control of Legionnaires’ disease were tightened for these types of systems following the 2012 epidemic in Quebec City’s lower town. Testing for Legionella in these systems is therefore crucial to preventing the associated health risks. These analyses…
What is Legionella?
The Legionella (or Legionella) is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause lung disease in humans, including Legionnaires’ disease (also known as Legionellosis) and Pontiac fever. Legionella is notably found in water, and infection can be transmitted when an individual breathes in droplets of water contaminated by this bacterium. As with many types of respiratory infection, the symptoms associated with legionellosis are not very characteristic. The main symptoms are cough, fever, muscle aches, headaches, excessive shortness of breath and lethargy. It should be noted that the risk of developing Legionnaires’ disease increases with age, and with medical or health conditions that…